Monday: 9 miles. It was kinda rainy when I started, and pouring rain for the last two miles. Kept it in the park and the subdivisions on either side. 9.34 miles in 1:20:56 (8:40 min/mile pace). Followed my run with squats as well as my stretches and 4 pull ups.
Tuesday: 3 miles. Rain was expected, so I ran in my neighborhood. When I finished, I noticed one of my neighbors had started running, which was good to see (maybe it’ll keep some of the lesser-intelligent people in my subdivision from blocking sidewalks or letting their dogs roam free). 3.26 miles in 27:49 (8:32 min/mile pace).
Wednesday: 8 miles. Ran in East Fork to get my hill on, and decided to change some stuff up a little. Ran down to the camper’s boat ramp (I was heading for the beach, but… see the pics), and then back up and onto the Batavia-Williamsburg path and back to the parking lot. 8.02 in 1:10:43 (8:49 min/mile pace). Followed my run with squats as well as my stretches.
On the way. The sun was just coming up. Saw this gal out while I was running. Beach access road. Closed and blocked by debris. Lakefront. The lake from the boat ramp. The hill back up. Near the end. This is facing the parking lot.
Thursday: 5 miles. Ran this in the park to give my legs a rest and prepare for the next day’s miles. After my run, I did 4 pull-ups on the bar in the park. 5.18 miles in 44:32 (8:36 min/mile pace).
Friday: 13 miles. Ran in the park, the subdivision next to it, and the someday-will-be-connecting subdivision. Of course some asshat over there backed their car out with ZERO regard to anyone around her (I don’t call this subdivision “Asshat Acres” for nothing… I hope I scared her straight with my angry disapproving look). Finished the run at the back of the park and did 4 pull ups. 13.18 miles in 1:53:47 (8:38 min/mile pace).
That’s it for the week. 39 miles ran. Friday afternoon felt particularly rough, but I even mowed the lawn after.