My summer was to be marked by GVRAT progress, which started out with a bang (bang, bang, bang) and was followed by a slump behind the buzzards until finally getting ahead of them in July. As I wind down the first week of August, I feel like I’m going to downshift into a lower gear to start into a half marathon training plan. It’s odd, since I’m typing this on a day that I ran 14+ miles and am only slightly fatigued… in fact, I felt great through 8 miles and my last mile was the fastest.
Going from weekday runs of 6-10 miles to 4-6 miles will feel different, and it will be augmented with no long run because of a local 5k on Saturday. Nothing like starting a training program with a bang (bang, bang, bang).
Speaking of the 5k, it was good. Not great, but good. I spent a bit of time talking to another runner that I see out running (and on Strava) a lot, and he’s usually outrunning me. During the race, there is a turnaround at 1.8 miles, and right before this turnaround is a valley. Prior to the turnaround, down-then-up. After the turnaround, down-then-up. I passed him on that up past the turnaround. I passed several others in the last mile as well as people were gassed from the valley and the loooooong slight-uphill stretch beyond the valley. I’m blaming that on the weight training, and that’s the good kind of blame. I did take two weeks off of weights because vacation (there was no weight room at the podunk-ass cabin I was staying in) and the following week because of race week.
Bulldog Blast 5k Bulldog Blast 5k
The other thing that is going on is the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee. Speaking of starting with a bang (bang, bang, bang… sorry, the song is constantly stuck in my head. And yes, I’m fully aware that the song is about going out with a bang [bang, bang, bang]). On my current plan and distance projections I should be finishing it close to the end of the month.
Upcoming Races!
I’m still looking forward to the Hudepohl 14k and the Flying Pig Half Marathon (in the fall). Unfortunately, this damn virus variant has decided to uglify everything. Fortunately in Ohio (and many other places), the vaccinated population seems to be doing well. The unvaccinated are currently flooding hospitals and making another wave of the virus we can’t seem to get rid of. Fingers crossed that PigWorks can make two races happen amidst all of this.