We join our hero as he laces up his running shoes in preparation to start on the fourth marathon training cycle. The goal, which he can’t even see right now, is sub-3:30 in the Flying Pig Marathon.
Monday: 5 miles. Ran five miles on a chilly morning in the park and the neighborhood next to it. I got a late start, so I got to see all the people that let their stupid flag fly. 5.07 in 44:59 (8:52 min/mile pace).
Tuesday: 30 minute tempo run. Did my form drills and started on a slow warm-up in the park and then into the neighborhood next to it. Got an earlier start than yesterday. I felt like I wasn’t keeping my pace in the range, and the tempo pace ended up at 7:32 min/mile – close to the top end of the goal range of 7:17 – 7:33. When I saved my workout on my watch, I saw the distance… 5.98 miles. 😬🤬. Tempo portion was 3.98 miles at 7:32 min/mile pace, overall was 5.98 miles in 47:59 (8:01 min/mile pace).
Wednesday: 3 mile run. Ran 3 miles in the park. I was running a little late, and kept it restful because of the prior day’s tempo run. 3.21 in 0:29:15 (9:07 min/mile pace).
Thursday: 5 mile run. It was 27 in the morning, so I worked through the morning and ran at lunch, which was unseasonably warm. The park was really busy with dog walkers, workers (installing something on the shelter’s roof), and pickle ball players. I started with most of a loop and then got into the neighboring subdivision until I was close to the end. I kept it mostly easy, although I strayed into moderate more than once. 5.0 miles in 41:42 (8:20 min/mile).
Friday: 11 mile run. Ran in the park and subdivision next to it) on a semi-rainy morning in what became a warm day (in fact, even in the morning I was running in short sleeves). I did get dumped on once, but otherwise it was an easy run. Hydrated with Gatorade. 11.04 in 1:40:11 (9:05 min/mile pace)
Saturday: 3 mile run. Ran in my neighborhood in nearly 60F weather (!!). Nothing special, but it was warm. 3.35 miles in 29:44 (8:53 min/mile pace).
I finally looked at Strava’s Year In Review, and a few things stood out to me. My shortest run was a mile (I knew that was coming), and my longest was Columbus Marathon (which is my second-longest run to date). The single hilliest day was in March where I froze my water bottle and glasses running in -2F temps in Hanover, NH.
That’s it for the week. Just under 34 miles of hard and easy training.🍻