I’ve signed up for the Glass City Marathon in Toledo, Ohio, and I’m on week 16 of 18 in my slightly modified Pfitz 18/55 plan. The marathon is on April 28, 2019. I’m in the tapering phase.
Monday: 7 miles. I ran this one starting a little earlier than normal and in the park and the neighborhood next to it. I didn’t go all-out, but my times suggest otherwise. 7.17 in 1:00:34 (8:27 min/mile pace).
Tuesday: 8 miles with 3 x 1 mile @ 5k pace. Ran this entirely in the park. My goal pace for the 5k splits was 6:55 – 7:15, I was 7:15, 7:18, and 7:13.
Wednesday: Rest! This still feels weird to rest in the middle of the week, but there’s probably some reasons for it.
Thursday: 5 miles + 6 strides. Ran in the park and the neighborhood next to it. Overall, 6.02 miles in 51:55 (8:37 min/mile pace).
Friday: 12 miles. I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the side of the house. I went out to run in East Fork, taking the bike path to Williamsburg and back and then when back in East Fork I ran down to the lake. 12.04 miles in 1:45:42 (8:47 min/mile pace).
That’s a wrap for the week. Next week is an easier one until Sunday… 33 miles this week, which is a big change from a few weeks ago when I was 20 miles more per week.