Here it is on the evening of January 19. January is a busy month for me – traditionally I take a week off around Christmas, and a week after getting back into the office I go to a yearly conference. So I have to cram in a month’s worth of work in two weeks, and those two weeks are separated by a week.
I flaked out at the end of December. I planned to run 100 miles and only made it to 88. No races, just running.
I finished the year with a goal of running 1,077 miles. I ran 1,083. I spent over 165 hours running.
The plan for 2017 includes a few “stand-bys”, the Bockfest 5k, Little King’s Mile, and Hudepohl 14k.
I’m highly considering the Flying Pig Half Marathon again, and possibly also the Honor Run Half again. If NKU does it’s summer XC series, I’m in.
I’m going to get into the cross training I need to. This is the second phase of me implementing what I’ve learned in Meb For Mortals. The first phase was to begin doing his form and mobility drills, which I do twice a week. This would put me in a good position to start into full marathon training to run my first full in 2018.
In other related news, I purchased a pair of Brooks shoes. These are not made for my feet. I also purchased a new wristband for my RoadID. The one I currently have is quite bad looking. I was also able to get a beer glass, because after all… running on beer!